Hampton and the surrounding communities are home to about 12,500 people. More than half of these people are not following Jesus and are in desperate need of the gospel.

Jesus says to pray for laborers as the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matthew 9:35-38). We are obediently joining the mission by being the Church in our area and laboring in the harvest of discipleship.

The mission of Hampton Community Church is to be disciples who make disciples.

MATTHEW 28:19-20

We have identified four marks that define a healthy disciple, and we seek continuous growth in each.

Hampton Community Church has a simple and intentional strategy to see individuals brought into community, saved by grace through faith, and grown in discipleship.

As individuals of Hampton Community Church are regularly involved in the primary ministries, then they will be provided with opportunities to grow in the four key marks of discipleship. Each of our ministries will focus on a particular characteristic while also overlapping into the other characteristics of discipleship.